Diving Medicals
When you start your diving adventure, you may need to get a Fit to Dive Medical, or if you are embarking on your Divemaster journey, or are already a dive professional, you may need to get or renew your HSE Dive Medicals.
H.S.E Dive Medicals, and Fit to Dive Medicals
Dr. Firth is known throughout the UK Dive Community. He has been at the forefront of Dive Medicine here for many years. He has an extensive knowledge in Dive Medicine and has been an HSE Approved Medical Examiner of Divers since 2006.
Fit to Dive Medical
Hyperdive can provide all types of recreational diving medical from any agency. These include PADI, BSAC, SAA, the Australian AS4005.1 and others, as well as those for freediving organisations. This is also the medical to book if you are diving in Spain or its islands (eg. Malta, Gozo) and are required to produce a certificate.
H.S.E Medical
Some of our team go to Dr Firth for their yearly H.S.E Medical, a requirement for us to be able to teach.
If you are a new or renewing Dive Professional, we can certainly recommend Hyperdive.
The Worthing Clinic
Fit To Dive Medicals
There is a standard medical questionnaire form that is required for each new diver.
For standard fit to dive medicals, conducted locally, we can recommend the team at The Worthing Clinic.
They are divers themselves, so understand our needs perhaps more than your normal GP.
We are also seeing more GP practices refusing to sign these forms off, or having to take several weeks to get to them due to their huge overload.
The team at Worthing Clinic can usually see you much faster than your normal GP, so are a fantastic option for you, being local it eliminates a long journey to get to them.
If you are taking further education courses, and it is over 12 months since you filled out your last medical, or if something has changed since the last time, the medical form needs to be re-completed.
More often than not, when you go diving on holiday, the dive centre will require a completed medical.
If you answer yes to some of the questions this will require you to get your medical form signed off by either your GP, or a Dive Doctor.