PADI Twin-set Diver

Start your adventure into Tec diving with the PADI Twin-set Diver course



Twin-set DiverThe PADI Twin-set Diver course gives you the opportunity to dive with 2 cylinders for extended dive times.

Diving with a twin-set (2 tanks banded together) has several benefits. If you want to explore this new route, and add an exceptional skill to your diving, learning how to use a twin-set safely is very important, taking the PADI Twinset specialty course is the best way to achieve this.

Using a twin-set can be the start of your journey into Technical diving, but don’t let the put you off, if you are not interested in Tec diving. Using a Twin-set has many benefits that have nothing to do with technical diving.

Why use a Twin Set?

Having more available air is always a huge benefit. Having that in a set up that allows you to have a redundancy is a huge safety step. The average twin-set has the ability to shut one of the tanks off should you need to.

The purpose of the PADI Twin-set course is to familiarise yourself with the use of a twin-set. It will take you through the advantages of using the twin-set, the components of the set and how to best utilise them for you. You will learn how to manage your gas usage and plan your dives to safely dive with a twin-set.


Dive Kit

You don’t need to own your own twin-set of tanks to take the course, the equipment needed will be supplied. Twin 12ltr manifold cylinders, wing system and regulators. But, having your own kit is always the best way to dive, because you get used to your own gear and you are more comfortable.


During your course you will:

  • Learn about the fundamentals of diving with the twin-set during a classroom overview session
  • Get time to practice using the set in the pool, running through the safety drills
  • Conduct two open water dives completing tasks throughout the dive.


/ Run over 2 Days


PREREQUISITES: Minimum Age of 15; Advanced Open Water Diver Certification or equivalent*;
Recommended Certification as a PADI Rescue Diver.

*(The term equivalency is defined as proof of certification beyond entry level with a minimum of 20 logged dives documenting experience in the following areas: Deep and Navigation.)

COURSE CONTENTS: Knowledge Development Classroom session and Pool Orientation dives; Open water dives


RECOMMENDED TEXTS: Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving



For any of the TEC course we recommend you take the PADI Self Reliant course before hand, this gets you ready for the TEC mindset.

If TEC diving is your next step, ask about the PADI Side Mount course, the PADI TEC REC Gas Blender course and the TEC 40. then the TEC 45 and finally the TEC 50 courses. Read more abut TEC Diving here.


If you are not sure about the twin set, we run Twin Set Try Dives, an opportunity to spend a little bit of time in the pool to see if you get along with it, ask us about this. Cost £75pp

If you then sign up to the Twin Set course with us, we will knock the cost of the Try Dive off of your course. Awesome!



To find out more about our courses, or to book your course give us a call or email us