What Can I Teach as a PADI Pro?

As you further your professional scuba diving education, you’ll be able to offer more courses.

Professional Courses: Divemaster is your first professional step, and affords you quite a few opportunities. As an Open Water Scuba Instructor you can teach others how to scuba dive. Continue on up the ranks to Course Director and look at all the amazing things you’ll be able to do!

If you want to make a career of diving, or just want to take your hobby that bit further, you can choose to go as far as you like on the professional ladder.

You can teach courses that really interest you. Bringing your enthusiasm and interest to your courses makes a huge difference to your students. You don’t need to be a fully fledged instructor to teach courses. You don’t have to be an Instructor to teach Emergency First Aid courses. As a Divemaster you can be involved in many aspects of the training courses and independently run Scuba Reviews/ReActivate.


Let us help you on your next step.




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