The UK has a diverse marine environment with more than 7,500 miles of coastline to explore.





Lundy Weekend 2024



UK Trips Lundy Divers
With a wide variety of inland waterways, lakes and quarries and we have a real divers’ paradise right on our own doorstep. That means with the right training, experience, equipment and conditions, our seas are accessible to divers all year round.

The UK’s waters are renowned for its variety of shipwrecks – with more wrecks per mile of coastline than anywhere in the world. From the famous Scapa Flow in Orkney, Scotland, where eight German ships, scuttled in 1919 now lie, to Plymouth’s HMS Scylla  which was purposely sunk in 2004 to create an artificial reef, there is a wreck site to appeal to all.

While UK wreck diving is one of the most popular diver pastimes, our marine environment can also rival some of the best in the world. With cold water reefs, cave systems, wall dives, drifts, gullies and shallow bays, the UK’s marine life is as diverse as it is wonderful.

You can dive with seals and basking sharks, explore reefs with their myriad of fish or marvel at ornate soft corals or kelp forests, all within UK waters.

Dive Travel LocalWe run regular trips from Ocean View. Whether it be a weeks diving at the famous Scapa Flow or a weekend diving the Scylla or James Egan Lane in Plymouth, playing with the seals of Lundy Island or the Farne Islands, family trips to Porthkeris in Cornwall, we always run lots of UK trips.



Please refer to our Trip Booking page with regards to booking your space.



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