Do you dream of being a Mermaid?

Start your journey on becoming a mermaid



Here at Ocean View Sussex we are able to offer you the chance to leave reality behind, and become a Mermaid for a while.

We will run through some very important safety skills and water stamina test before we move to having mermaid tails and fins on.


PADI Mermaid Course

Mermaid Course red tail

The PADI Mermaid™ course includes knowledge development and at least two water skill sessions (we run these as one continuous session) that develop your mermaid skills, including many skills that make mermaiding an underwater self-expressive art, separate from other types of diving.

To enroll in a PADI Mermaid course, you must be at least ten years old. You need to be able to swim at least 50m without swim aids, able to float comfortably at the surface for at least 5 minutes, and in good physical health.

As an entry-level mermaid diving course, no prior experience with diving of any kind is required.


The Junior (Basic) Mermaid course

Basic Mermaid in pool

The Junior Course (PADI Basic Mermaid™) combines home eLearning to provide the supporting knowledge and principles of safe ‘Mermaiding’, with a pool session where you will learn the basic skills to safe mermaid diving. The course covers mermaid diving’s background and culture, primary safety considerations, equipment and basic water skills.

To enroll in the PADI Basic Mermaid course, you must be at least eight years old. You need to be able to swim at least 25m without swim aids, be able to float comfortably at the surface for at least 3 mins and in good physical health.

As an entry-level mermaid diving course, no prior experience with diving of any kind is required.


See our dedicated pages to each course to find out more information.


Basic Mermaid tails



To find out more about our courses, or to book a course give us a call or email us