Swanage 2023


Ocean View Swanage Dive Weekend 22nd to 23rd July 2023

With the iconic pier dive as a must, and plenty of wreck or shore dives to do, the area around Swanage is fantastic for both new and seasoned divers.

We are diving on both Saturday and Sunday, sadly coming back home on the Sunday evening.

The boat is booked for 2 dives Saturday and 2 Dives on Sunday. Max depth will be 30m.
We are scheduled to do:

The Fleur De Lys (13m) and the Kyarra (30m)

Aeolian Sky (30m), and then Black Hawk Bow (18m)

The cost for diving the 4 Wrecks is £150 per person

We are not arranging accommodation, just the diving.
The B&Bs and hotels are getting booked up as this is the start of the school hols.

The ropes away times are when the boat leaves the pontoon, you will need to allow kitting up time and loading time before this.
Ropes Off:  On the Saturday will be at 11:15, on the Sunday it will be 07:20.
This choice allows time to travel down on the Saturday morning, but Sunday you need to be there really early, or staying locally in Swanage on Saturday night.

The boat we are using will have a lift on the rear of the boat 🙂

We have got time to do a Pier Dive in the late afternoon if wanted, or for anyone driving down on Friday ahead of the traffic, we could fit one in on Friday afternoon.

To confirm your space we would need the full £150 to be transferred to Ocean View Diving. If you drop out once confirmed, you fill the space or lose the money! Get booking your accommodation!

We are sending a member of staff, so there are 11 Boat spaces in total, but only a few remain after chats in the shop over the weekend before I could get this advert set up.


Who’s in??






The small print about boat booking conditions:

Terms and Conditions

The Boat(s)

The boat(s) and skipper are insured and licensed with the MCA. Mary Jo has a 20 mile licence. Viper has a 60 mile licence. All the required safety and first aid equipment is carried and is regularly checked. Copies of certifications are onboard.

Boarding the boat

Please be ready to board the boat at least 15 minutes prior to the departure time.

Cancellation and changes by us

Diving is weather and tide dependant. We reserve the right to change boats, dive sites or departure times according to weather and operational requirements. On occasions due to sea, weather or safety considerations, We reserve the right to cancel the trip with minimum notice. Swanage Boat Charters Ltd is not responsible or liable for any external costs i.e. Hotel and travel costs. In this instance your payment will be credited to your account or refunded at your option.

You are advised to check your registered email before leaving to travel to Swanage as cancellations will be sent via email.

The Divers

No check is made of divers’ qualifications or fitness to dive. Diving is a potentially hazardous sport and should only be undertaken by suitably trained people. The skipper reserves the right to refuse to allow a diver into the water. You are responsible for the conduct of your own dive and for ensuring that you are trained and equipped for the dive site and that your equipment is safely stored on the boat. All dives require an S.M.B. (surface marker buoy). Dive times must not exceed 60 minutes (surface to surface) unless otherwise agreed by the skipper.


This will be of a limited nature. Help and advice on dive times can only be given in general as it is up to divers themselves to decide on dive plans. We recommend you minimise movement whilst aboard and remain sat on a bench next to your kit once the boat is underway.

Diver List

A list of divers’ names, emergency contact name, contact number, cylinder size, gas mix, maximum dive time will be required on the day of the diving. A form will be provided for you to complete.


The boat and skipper are fully insured for third party liability. No liability will attach to Swanage Boat Charters Ltd in respect of any loss or damage or personal injury. Please take care when boarding or disembarking the vessel(s).




Get in touch to find out more